The world's largest wild Salmon & Steelhead return to the Skeena River.
The world’s largest wild Salmon & Steelhead return to the Skeena River, most of them swimming right past our door. Steelhead, Chinook & Coho salmon fishing here is world famous!
Widely regarded as the world’s best freshwater sport fish, the Skeena River steelhead average 10 pounds, with 20 pounders not uncommon and a few tipping the scales at 30 pounds or more! The Terrace area receives a summer, winter, and spring run, providing an almost year round fishing opportunity.
Chinook, aka Spring or King salmon, are thelargest of the Pacific salmon, ranging from 20 –80 plus pounds. Northern Coho in the Terrace region are some of the biggest found anywhere,averaging 10 pounds, with fish over 20 pounds caught on occasion.
Sockeye and Pink salmon are plentiful and good sport in the summer months.
3217 Kalum St, Terrace, BC
(250) 635-6496
Monday to Saturday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
4640 Keith Ave, Terrace, BC
(250) 635-5667
8:00 am - 8:00 pm
5008 Agar Ave, Terrace, BC
(250) 638-1369
Tuesday to Saturday 9:00 am - 5:30 pm

The world's largest wild Salmon & Steelhead return to the Skeena River.
The mighty Skeena River is world famous for producing some of the largest wild salmon and steelhead on earth. The Skeena holds the current steelhead world record for fly-caught fish. 20-pound steelhead are not uncommon, 30-pound steelhead are caught most years, and record 40- pound class fish are landed from time to time.
The monster King salmon of the Skeena have held three former world records. In 2001 a record 99 pound King was caught and released on the Skeena River. The Skeena also has large runs of Coho, Pinks (humpies) and Sockeye salmon. Each year over two million Salmon migrate up the Skeena.
The Skeena River originates in North Central British Columbia and flows over 500 miles, undammed and unspoiled, to the ocean at Prince Rupert. The Skeena has dozens of tributaries and feeder streams, each with it’s own genetically adapted strain of wild salmon and steelhead. It is truly one of the world’s greatest rivers.
The Copper River is world famous for aggressive wild steelhead that take skated flies on the surface. Scenic beauty and powerful fish make the Copper special regardless of which fishing method you prefer.
Kalum (Kitsumkalum) – The Kalum River also produces monster wild King salmon. Some of the largest Kings in the Skeena River return to the Kalum. The Kalum also produces large runs of wild steelhead and Coho. 20-pound steelheads are not uncommon and some 30+ pounders have been landed there. The Kalum also has healthy populations of wild Dolly Varden, Cutthroat and Bull trout.
The Kalum River flows from the mountains north of Terrace into Kalum Lake and into the lower river, which has a turbulent canyon, then on into the Skeena River on the west edge of Terrace. The canyon is a supreme test for the fish. Only the biggest and strongest fish can navigate its swift currents. This is believed to be the reason the Kalum has such large healthy salmon and steelhead. Kalum Lake keeps the Kalum River clearer and warmer than most other rivers. This makes the Kalum an excellent option in the fall and spring. The Kalum is a beautiful river to float in a raft or drift boat. The scenery above and below the water is spectacular.
The Kitimat River produces beautiful salmon and steelhead as well as ocean-run Cutthroats and Dolly Vardens. It also has one of the largest returns of Chum salmon in the area. King salmon start returning early in the Kitimat making it a great river to fish in June.
The Kitimat River flows from the mountains south of Terrace into the Douglas Channel then on into the open ocean. The Kitimat has a short drainage and flows clear most of the year providing an excellent fishing option. Motorboats are not allowed on the Kitimat and floating the river is a peaceful way to spend the day in search of fish.
The Kasiks River has excellent wild Coho, Dolly Vardens and Cutthroats. The Kasiks is a spectacular remote river that is accessed by jet boat. The trip up the Kasiks River is something that will not soon be forgotten. Spectacular waterfalls, canyons and mountain peaks surround the river and the ride is definitely a thrill.
The Exchamsiks is another excellent Coho and trout river. The trip upstream starts at the Skeena River below towering granite cliffs that rise up over 1,000 feet. It is a clear-running stream with fantastic scenery and excellent fishing.